In this detail taken from one of the murals in the Palace Museum in the Mexican city of Oaxaca two women are depicted in the act of gathering the Cochineal carmine ( Dactylopius coccus), parasites that live on the blades of opuntia. The woman in front has a hat made from half a pumpkin, and has in its basket of black ceramic olla. These details allow you to place the scene at San Bartolo Coyopetec, where it is produced this particular type of pottery, called barro negro. The Cochineal carmine were among the five species of animals domesticated by the ancient peoples of Mexico. Small insects are still being dried and crushed to reduce the powder is then mixed with water and lime juice , obtaining a dye used to dye fabrics in Oaxaca. This is precisely the high quality natural dye carmine, cochineal, also known as red or just cochineal.
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