Until a week ago the presence of Aloe gardens Mortella was to say, episodic. Yes, we, like all gardens in the South, large clumps of Aloe arborescens spontaneizzati here and there on the hill. Over the years, had been introduced some real Aloe ferox, a pair of A. Marloth, of plicatilis, the bainesii, the princeps, the striped, some gracilis, and some other occasional purchase, as the two religiously polyphylla drawn up by seedlings from micropropagation. But we came around and no one to fifteen species.
Then one day in September I received an email from Carlo Riccardi, an avid collector of Lanuvio (Rome), who tells me with a little 'melancholy of being forced to give away his collection of Aloe, built in about twenty years research, study and passion, because it must leave the garden where cultivated.
course I immediately felt the anxiety that was hiding behind his calm words, and in the Aude candidate as a future home for his collection, I tried to calm him as best I could, not only its plants here would find a frame worthy of their beauty, but I could ensure security for the future, constant care, including public recognition of the value of the collection, and then ... check-ups for life secured for him!
not tell you the joy when Charles told me that at the end of his choice had fallen on us.
So we agreed to an initial inspection, which would allow me to arrange the transplant and the journey of plants.
To my astonished eyes, the garden of Aloe Charles that morning was presented as follows:
between about 150 species and varieties, arranged on a long flower bed is protected by a "tunnel " polyethylene that protects plants from occasional frosts that can occur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Castelli Romani.
The real gems, precious specialties abounded - but this will be the subject of future posts.
After all, there was a frame, a closure of around thirty beautiful Agave:
Alessandro & friend at work:
The next morning at 6 am were already on the ferry to Ischia and less than 24 hours after being pulled out of the ground were hospitalized in traps and tubs with the roots protected from lapilli.
Now we have finally begun to plant:
But only a fraction of the collection has been planted! We have yet to identify the best location for the more delicate species, as Somalia and Eritrea - as well as position to provide them with optimal conditions for growth - drainage, temperature and sunshine can also make visitors keen to enjoy the show overall, although being able to grasp the details and differences.
We have to prepare the signs with the names, and insert in the catalog all these innovations, and I must say that Charles has proved invaluable in this, gave us a perfect documentation.
It 's a great adventure for which we will never be sufficiently grateful to Charles and his wife. Denying plant so loved, cared for so long, it can be a painful thing, and certainly it has been difficult. But the choice they made, generous and selfless, will make it possible for many to enjoy the fruits of their passion. They opened a new horizon for thousands of people (literally: every year we have an average of 65,000 visitors) and wanted to give their plants the best possible conditions for living in time, starting a new stage in the history of his collection, which I hope to expand further.
There is much more to add, and in the future we often speak of these Aloe, but now I would say one thing above all, that comes from the heart:
Thanks Carlo.
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