Bring your towel all day, wherever you go.
Every year, May 25.
Obviously, wherever you go!
And why? The
May 25 is the day of remembrance of Douglas Adams, author of world-famous Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (original title: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), unfortunately died in 2001.
and a towel is the most useful thing there is. To quote the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The
towel, he says, is perhaps the most useful object that the galactic hitchhiker can have. In part because it is a practical thing - you can wrap around as you keep warm when you are about to cross the cold satellites Jaglan Beta; sdraiarvici above you when you are sand on the beaches by the brilliant marble Santraginus V to inhale the intoxicating vapors of the sea and we can sleep under the desert world of Kakrafoon, with its reddish stars that shine, you can use it as a mini-sail raft where you are going to follow the slow progress of the lazy river Moth; you can wet it for use in combat, you can wrap it around your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the voracious beast Bugblatta traalo (an animal abominably stupid, he thinks that if you do not see it, even he can see you: it is mad as a hatter, but very, very ravenous), and also you can use your towel to make recommendations in case of emergency, and if still clean enough to dry naturally.
But most importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a cool (cool = non-hitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker if he himself with the towel, automatically deemed to have also bring your toothbrush, sponge, facial soap, canned of biscuits, flask, compass, map, the ball of twine, spray against mosquitoes, the rain gear, space suit etc.. etc.. And so cool you will hear gladly willing to pay all'autostoppista anything of those mentioned (or a dozen others not mentioned) that the hitchhiker eventually lost. The cool fact he thinks that a man who has traveled far and wide across the galaxy hitch, adapting to travel the maze in the most arduous conditions and to fight against terrible obstacles to win, and that shows the end to know where his towel , is clearly a man worthy of consideration.
- Douglas Adams: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
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