Course Herbs and Natural Power
start from 20 and 21 October two courses of herbal medicine, one in Pederobba (TV) and one in Sacile (Pn) see posters.

courses take place in seven of nine lessons and theoretical two-day workshop at the Alpine Garden Cansiglio (BL) and the Alpine Garden in the eastern Alps of Mount Faverghera, Nevegal (BL).
The seven lectures are organized as follows:
the First Lesson: History herbalism, digestive physiology, food combinations,
natural food feeding and weaning.
Lesson II: elements: minerals, vitamins, and oliogoelementi diathesis (predisposition of birth)
Lesson III: Galenica: collection of plants and preparation of herbal products.
The remaining four lectures will deal with the disease or group of diseases such as explaining and illustrating techniques of natural medicine, herbs, compounds, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are utilizzerannoper care and the attainment of health.
The course describes the board with the help of about 150 to 200 slides and each lesson lasts about two hours (depending on participants' questions).
do not need to take notes during class, because the next day will be sent via e-mail, complete and faithful transcription of the lecture in pdf format.
do not need to take notes during class, because the next day will be sent via e-mail, complete and faithful transcription of the lecture in pdf format.
The following additional info and Program:
Research Centre medicinal plants - e-mai: armonia.salute @ tiscali . it
tel. Tel 0439788443. 0439 788443 cell. 366 45 95 970

SACILE: every Thursday from October 21 to December 9 gived
First Lesson
The man and his environment - History herbalism
natural food and food combinations
Discussion: feeding and weaning
Discussion: feeding and weaning
Second Lesson
elements: oligotherapy - Minerals - Vitamins
Insight: The symbolism of Numbers.
Insight: The symbolism of Numbers.
Third Lesson
Insight: Alchemy and the extracts spagyric
Fourth Lesson
Environmental Pollution - Drainage
endocrine disorders - and Diets Obesity
Discussion: Plants and Magic
Discussion: Plants and Magic
Fifth Lesson
respiratory ailments
digestive disorders and hepatobiliary
kidney and urogenital system disorders;
Insight: The Sacred Trees
Insight: The Sacred Trees
Sixth Lesson
cardiovascular ailments
lymphatic system disorders - Allergies - Dermatology
Insight: Plants of Death
Insight: Plants of Death
Seventh Lesson
system disorders Nervous
osteoarticular disorders (arthritis - osteoarthritis)
Reduction of immune system - Aging
Insight: Louis Armstrong and alpine gardens
two-day workshop from theory to practice
Eighth Lesson
Guided tours of the discovery of medicinal plants
at the Alpine Garden Pian Cansiglio
Ninth Lesson
Guided tours of the discovery of medicinal plants
at the Botanical Garden of the Eastern Alps Nevegal
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