Leigh Whannell Daughter
Araneus diadematus
I noticed that this blog full of plants, there was no spider. I have a garden full of spiders. Live undisturbed except where unfortunately (for them ...) the means of a "home" while doing minor maintenance. A couple of days ago I photographed this Araneus diadematus, a very common spider in my garden and in Europe generally. I see him regularly, especially when warm weather ends. The copy of the photo should be a female, the males I have the body less bulky. With the legs reach 4 cm, lives on large canvases where orbicular expects its outlets. Bite, but is not dangerous to humans. It is also known as cross spider, drawing on the back, however, that varies among individuals. I read once that they should produce sounds straofinando feet, but I've always found them quiet ....
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