Uncaria tomentosa (Fam. Rubiaceae)

The plant, called by the Spaniards' gato de a "presents an up to 20 m tall, square in section with features and large hooked spines 4-7 cm long and 9-17 cm, facing down and the leaves are green with wavy margins and yellowish, are opposite, short petioled, oval-oblong, hairy with ribs clearly visible. The flowers, reddish, are collected in terminal clusters. There are several species of Uncaria (Table 1), but two most common and used for their various properties are U. tomentosa and U. guianensis . However, even if interchangeable, is the first that arouses interest because it is richer in alkaloids, easy to standardize. U. tomentosa can be sophisticated with other species, for example in China are using the root and bark U. rhynchophylla .
In Germany and Austria uncaria must be prescribed by the doctor and the United States is the best-selling drug.
Parties used the bark of the roots and lower parts of the stem.
Composition and properties
Bark, representing the drug is taken by the roots and lower parts of the trunk in patients adults before flowering. In nature there are two chemotypes: the first contains the roots predominantly ossindolici pentacyclic alkaloids, the second, it contains mostly ossindolici tetracyclic alkaloids.
ossindolici pentacyclic alkaloids (or isopteropodina uncarina And pteropodina uncarina or C, isomitrafillina, mitrafillina, uncarina F, speciofillina) and tetracyclic (rincofillina, isorincofillina, coorinoxeina, hirsutinina, corinanteina) 3,4-dehydro-5-carbossistrictosidina.
quinovico acid triterpene glycosides (tomentosidi A and B).
acetyl derivatives of beta-sitosterol, stigma-sterol and campesterol.
polyphenols (procyanidins, epicatechin).
poliidrossilati triterpenes.
pharmacological properties (potential Astrology):
immunomodulating and immunostimulating.
Immunostimulatory Activity
The Cat's Claw can stimulate or modulate the immune regulating homeostasis.
The immunostimulant activity, due to ossindolici pentacyclic alkaloids and polyphenols, is highlighted by increased phagocytosis and enhancement of the number and activity of immunocompetent cells.
Uncaria extracts stimulate the production of interleukin-1 (IL-I) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in alveolar macrophages of rats showing immunostimulatory activity.
The IL-I is a signaling molecule able to induce the proliferation and differentiation of lymphocytes B and T. The immunomodulating action dell'Uncaria is expressed also by inhibiting the activation of the transcription factor NF-Kappa B, improving the response of B and T lymphocytes, enhancing the phagocytic action.
ossindolici pentacyclic alkaloids in human endothelial cells induce the release of an activating factor regulation and proliferation of B and T lymphocytes responsible for the response immune.
Antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory, radical scavengers, anti-rheumatic
quinovico acid glycosides are partially responsible for anti-inflammatory properties along with sterols and polyphenols.
Uncaria protects the in vitro cells from oxidative stress by highlighting anti-inflammatory properties (prevents the activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB activating B cells).
One animal study showed a higher anti-inflammatory activity of Uncaria hydroalcoholic extract against the aqueous extract.
extracts showed weak inhibitory activity against cyclooxygenase-1 and 2 involved in inflammation.
Other research confirms the role of antioxidant activity of the extract together with radical scavenger.
The Uncaria is also a potent inhibitor of the synthesis of tissue necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) induced cell adhesion and therefore of the same, thus confirming a definite anti-inflammatory role.
Antiviral activity, antimutagenic
Some glycosides of quinovico have antiviral activity. The plant hinders the activity of DNA polymerase and reverse transcriptase responsible for the replication of certain viruses.
anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties warranting the use of the species in infectious diseases.
The Uncaria is neither toxic (in vitro and in vivo) nor mutagenic in vivo. The aqueous extracts of the species showed in vitro inhibitory effects against the proliferation of human tumor cells probably mediated through the induction of apoptosis (programmed cell death).
Directions for use:
chronic infectious and inflammatory disorders.
immunodeficiency syndromes.
degenerative diseases
Drainage pathogenic factors and degenerative (in association castanea vesca with gems)
increase after a week of leukocytes
increase after three weeks of cytotoxic T leukocytes
Always use and essentially hydroalcoholic extract.
40-50 drops in a little water before three pasti.รน
synergistic Plants: Echinacea and Tabebuia.
Plants acting opposite Ribes nigrum gemmoderivato
In 50 drops in prevention little water morning and night before or between meals
body weight x 2: 3
if a child weighs 15 kg.
15 x 2 = 30: 3 = 10 drops in a little water three times a day
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