Foods that may cause or contributing cause of headaches
Caffeine in coffee and soft drinks (Coca cola) because they have vasodilating action.
subjects predisposed them one of the causes and then reduce the salt and salt-containing foods such as cheese, cheese, sausages.
salami, because they contain nitrites, substances having a vasodilatory action, and that would trigger the attacks.
cheeses, because they contain the tyramine, which would interfere with adrenaline, a hormone that plays a key role on cerebral vessels and is the cause of stress.
Foods high in tyramine and other biogenic amines :
little fresh or preserved fish, like herring, tuna , caviar . Sausage, sausages, game.
beer, red wine and fermented beverages, figs, beans, tofu, tempeh, miso soup, yeast extract , chocolate , nuts and grapes.
foods that contain nitrites and nitrates .
I nitrite (E249, E250) and nitrate (E251, E252) are substances naturally present in food animals, plants and water.
are added as additives to sausages, hams, sausages, canned meat and other meat, fish marinated in dairy products and sometimes . If we want to analyze in greater depth the problem of these compounds are also found naturally in plants where their percentage depends on a lot from fertilizers used and if they are grown in greenhouses (increase) and exposure to sunlight that makes them fall. For this reason plants from organic crops contain a lower percentage of nitrates
types of vegetables high in nitrates (avoid for migraines):
lettuce, kohlrabi , lettuce, nasturtium, watercress, beet, chard, radish, horseradish, rhubarb , beetroot, spinach
types of vegetables average content of nitrates
types of vegetables with low nitrate content :
eggplant, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, chicory , pea, cucumber , potatoes, sprouts, carrot, bell pepper, mushrooms, leeks, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, bitter root, asparagus, tomato, onion .
Chocolate , betafeniletilamina because it contains a substance that increases the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that, when present in excess, it acts on brain areas responsible for pain, and because it contains caffeine (see caffeine).
Sodium glutamate: contained in the bouillon cubes, in many stuffed tortellini and ravioli and many sauces or savory like bovis.
fruit such as oranges, strawberries, avocado bananas, plums.
Red Wine, because it contains flavonoids, which promote the action of tannin substances responsible for the headaches.
Wine White , because it contains sulfur dioxide as a preservative, a substance with vasodilating action.
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