against Aromatherapy "cold sore"
Phytotherapy can reveal a great help in the treatment of sore throat, flu, cold and cough.
The essential oil of lavender helps to rebalance the body weakened by the fever. Its effect, calming and invigorating at the same time exerts an antidepressant and a stimulant of the immune system. Use it diluted in water and sprayed into the room where the patient stays, added to bath water (20 drops diluted in a bubble bath before) or diluted in vegetable oil, to rub the whole body.
SORE THROAT (click below for ...)
Use to gargle. 2 or 5 drops diluted in water "Made Balsamic" created in the following way:
The essential oil of lavender helps to rebalance the body weakened by the fever. Its effect, calming and invigorating at the same time exerts an antidepressant and a stimulant of the immune system. Use it diluted in water and sprayed into the room where the patient stays, added to bath water (20 drops diluted in a bubble bath before) or diluted in vegetable oil, to rub the whole body.
SORE THROAT (click below for ...)
Use to gargle. 2 or 5 drops diluted in water "Made Balsamic" created in the following way:
10 cc. Eucalyptus EO + 10 cc. Mountain pine OE + 10 cc. EO Peppermint + 10 cc. Thymus vulgaris OE + 10 cc. EO Lavender + 50 cc. Macerated or hydroalcoholic Erisimo Grindelia Robusta.
= Propolis spray if you have in house spray propoi poternziatelo with 15 drops of balsamic vinegar.
take Honey = 300 g. honey is multiflora (better than mountain) and arrichitelo with 30 drops of balsamic vinegar. 1 large spoon to dissolve in your mouth need.
against the problems of aphonia or inflammation of the vocal cords using macerated hydroalcoholic Erisimo 40 drops in a little water 3 times daily boosted with
5 drops of balsamic vinegar.
Externally : pack of cooked rice or ricotta to leave for about an hour (no ice).
Ricotta: Take 500 g. ricotta cheese, roll it into a fazoletto and apply it to the throat.
Rice: take about 100 g. rice, cook it a bit 'longish, drain the water letting it cool. When it has reached room temperature
Place in a cloth and apply it on the throat for an hour Ciurcia.
E 'useful to a warm foot bath with 2 or 3 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus. You can practice with a few drops of friction oe.di orange or lavender, chamomile or lemon balm.
E 'useful to a warm foot bath with 2 or 3 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus. You can practice with a few drops of friction oe.di orange or lavender, chamomile or lemon balm.
Tea: China Willow bark + eucalyptus bark + leaf + linden flowers
Spray the cloth with a few drops of balsamic vinegar "or Mountain pine or eucalyptus.
Spray the cloth with a few drops of balsamic vinegar "or Mountain pine or eucalyptus.
Rub your chest with the same species and sinuses.
Gargling : 3 - 5 drops more vbolte daily.
Fumenti: in a cup of boiling water, add 15 drops of Balsamic "Mountain pine or eucalyptus.
Always and only herbal compounds.
Always and only herbal compounds.
Mai syrups that contain little or nothing useful for small diseases.
Herbal Medicine for Cough: hydroalcoholic maceration of Grindelia Isoppo + + Drosera (specific to the bronchi).
15 to 20 drops for all types of hydro alcoholic macerate in a little water three times a day between meals.
Warning: to avoid repercussions extend the best treatment for at least a week with 40 drops one to two times a day. Vittorio Alberti - Herbs Harmony - Quero (BL) 0439 788 443
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