Alpine Botanical Garden "G. Lorenzoni" Pian Cansiglio
In 2010 more than 200 people attended the guided tours of the Garden Alpine Botanical Cansiglio organized by our association with the presence of Vittorio Alberti as a guide to medicinal plants.
the rate
Tree charming, large, extremely long-lived, typically scaly trunk and twisted. Often seemingly dead trunks sprout new trees. Perhaps because of this, or the dark, almost black, this tree dedicated to the old Hecate, goddess of the underworld. The rate also has links with witchcraft and the Druidic cults (the rate was the stick of the Druids). Of yew bows were of invincible English archers. Poisonous properties were attributed to the extraordinary, and even his shadow was said could be lethal. The plant is actually toxic in all its parts except the arils which are not as the rate of real fruit, part of the Gymnosperms. According to Shakespeare's Hamlet's father was murdered by his brother that he would be paid into the ear of juice rate.
Start the path with the path of the Woods
Ribes alpinum is a slow growing shrub, up until 2.50 m, with bushy (it's about as wide than tall).
The leaves are palmate-lobed, with margin dentate, 2-4 cm long.
blooms between April and May, with greenish flowers in inflorescences collected. The currant is a dioecious plant, each animal produces only male flowers or only female flowers.
The fruits are berries, edible, sweet but a bit 'bland.
Explanation of medicinal plants collected in the flowerbeds, the garden of simple and poisonous plants.
In these flower beds were planted with typical plants of the habitat of some Cansiglio esperimenmti adaptation as Echinacea purpurea and reintroduction of crops such as faba bean.

Description characteristics of Gentiana lutea , focusing on the arrangement of leaves (opposite) to the deferred hellebore (alternate).
In Norway spruce: under a majestic spruce Vittorio Alberti describes the "signature" of Paracelsus present in the leaves of Pulmonaria. Analogy between the leaves of Pulmonaria that are spotted with white like the lungs affected by tuberculosis.
Cansiglio being a zonas karst is almost completely devoid of surface water except for some ponds (lame) natural or man-made.

peatlands acidic or basic.

Description of Drosera rotundifolia.
Drosera rotundifolia (from the greek "Drosos" dew) also called sundew (from the Latin "ros solis" dew of the sun).
plants of the genus Drosera are among the most famous carnivorous plant species.
plants of the genus Drosera are among the most famous carnivorous plant species.
is a herbaceous plant 10-20 cm high, with ovbovate and leaves with a long stalk, arranged in a basal rosette, equipped with long tentacles with purple hairs that secrete a viscous liquid droplets, which are trapped small insects.
The tentacles are folded on the prey after capture.
The tentacles are folded on the prey after capture.
blooms from April to September with little white flowers.
It prefers damp places and swamps, bogs and alpine meadows wet with acid substrate, at altitudes from 300 to 1600 m.
therapeutic index of Drosera:
allergic asthma, bronchitis
chronic bronchitis ...
Vittorio Alberti 0439 788443
Medicinal Plants Research Centre
Harmony Herbs
via Nazionale n. 74 b
Quero 32030 - Belluno
armonia.salute @
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