When the disease Health
How often, in our experience, especially in children, we noted with wonder that after a disease also characterized by high fever or high, we found not only to feel better than before, but in fact often that the body had awoken making us feel better, more efficiently and sometimes grow a few centimeters in height? Below is a
artricolo extremely interesting, not to be taken as absolute truth but as a beginning of a research and study.
E 'an infectious disease caused by a virus of the genus Morbillivirus, Paramyxovirus of the family, which localizes in various organs and tissues. Receptivity (chance of being infected by a pathogen) is universal and measles is one of the most contagious diseases that are known.
Before the introduction of measles vaccine, nearly all children fell ill with measles before the 15th year of life. Measles is a disease-endemic and epidemic, that is to say that it is always present in the community, presenting epidemic peaks every 3-4 years, tied to the fact that newborns are gradually forming a large mass of people susceptible to infection. Measles without immunity that lasts a lifetime, even the vaccine-induced immunity is long lasting.
How is it transmitted
Measles is one of the most contagious diseases that are known and is transmitted by air through droplets emitted by coughing, sneezing or simply talking.
The period of infectiousness runs from just before the prodromal period to 4 days after the onset of the exanthem.
In people with immune system disorders measles can have a particularly severe and protracted course, with persistence of the elimination of the virus for several weeks after the acute phase.
Measles is one of the most contagious diseases that are known and is transmitted by air through droplets emitted by coughing, sneezing or simply talking.
The period of infectiousness runs from just before the prodromal period to 4 days after the onset of the exanthem.
In people with immune system disorders measles can have a particularly severe and protracted course, with persistence of the elimination of the virus for several weeks after the acute phase.
Who is at risk
Virtually all, if you did not have the natural disease or have not been vaccinated are at risk of contracting measles.
Virtually all, if you did not have the natural disease or have not been vaccinated are at risk of contracting measles.
Symptoms After an incubation period (time between exposure to an infectious contact and the onset of symptoms) that can vary from a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 18 days (but usually is about ten days), we have a fever, chills, dry cough, conjunctivitis, reddish spots on the mucosa of the mouth and throat and white spots on gums , the molars (Koplik spots): This is the prodromal period of illness, which lasts 4-5 days, after which appears maculopapular rash from the neck and the head extends to cover the whole the body (descending rash).
The beginning of the exanthem is usually accompanied by a rise in fever and then decreases rather quickly.
The rash persists for 5-6 days, and so as it had begun, starting with the neck disappears.
For a few days is a peeling of the skin (convalescent). The course of measles in infants can be mild, though still partially protected by maternal antibodies, but usually the disease is more severe in very young children and adults.
Complications The most common laryngitis and laryngotracheitis, bronchopneumonia and pneumonia, also due to bacterial superinfection, otitis media, encephalitis and encephalomyelitis. These occur at intervals of about one case in 1000.
encephalitis measles mortality up to 15% and it is estimated that 20-40% of people measles encephalitis survivors suffer permanent neurological consequences.
A complication of measles, very rare, but devastating, is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE).
encephalitis is a slow evolution, which can occur in one out of 100,000 after many years after infection with measles virus, mostly in people who had measles during the first two years of life.
Bed rest in a comfortable, well heated and ventilated, but not too bright, along with a light diet, rich in sugar and liquid, are the basis for the treatment of measles. They
be used remedies acting symptomatic with fever and cough, but antibiotics, always on prescription, should be implemented only if bacterial complications (bronchopneumonia).
Bed rest in a comfortable, well heated and ventilated, but not too bright, along with a light diet, rich in sugar and liquid, are the basis for the treatment of measles. They
be used remedies acting symptomatic with fever and cough, but antibiotics, always on prescription, should be implemented only if bacterial complications (bronchopneumonia).
viruses are divided into: - DNA - - RNA -
is a measles virus - RNA -
The difference between the two types is very important
viruses - DNA - are very stable, that is changing very slowly,
the virus - RNA - are unstable ie change very quickly.
viruses - DNA - are very stable, that is changing very slowly,
the virus - RNA - are unstable ie change very quickly.
It 's the same position of influence, even in this case the virus - RNA - and every year there is a vaccine "new" but it does not work, because the virus has mutated into circulation, that is new.
This first observation helps us understand that vaccination does not need to absolutely nothing, because the vaccine only recognizes a very specific type of virus, but if you change the vaccine does not work.
For this reason people find themselves adequately vaccinated with measles.
For this reason people find themselves adequately vaccinated with measles.
The vaccination protects for a very limited time to that those who believe in this practice should continue to be vaccinated for life.
disease in a natural immunity to a permanent, not only the mother passes antibodies to the unborn, for the early months of life is protected and is the most dangerous moment of the disease.
WHY 'you establish a exanthematous diseases?
for medicine "official" it is unthinkable that question outside of a concept of disease, for the establishment of a virus in a subject, with various consequences, of which only observe the possible side effects without wondering who happening and why.
exanthematous disease, and measles is one of them has a very important significance for the development of the human being in its entirety.
The human being is the result of sperm male female ovulation, but the primary thing that medicine "official" sees little or nothing, is the fundamental fact that the new being and "that" only one, is not the father nor the mother, but only HIM.
The human being is the result of sperm male female ovulation, but the primary thing that medicine "official" sees little or nothing, is the fundamental fact that the new being and "that" only one, is not the father nor the mother, but only HIM.
The important feature of the disease rash (which is known for blatantly thrown out) is to eliminate the "seams" Dad mother and that being that emerges as complete individual and unique, in full physical and mental.
Note that not all children develop exanthematous diseases, these occur only in those who have the need to have them, because they are too saturated with "waste" parenting.
Note that not all children develop exanthematous diseases, these occur only in those who have the need to have them, because they are too saturated with "waste" parenting.
Why suppress a disease rash?
Maybe to make people of integrity in the mental and physical?
People like this are very tempting for those who want a non-thinking masses.
Maybe to make people of integrity in the mental and physical?
People like this are very tempting for those who want a non-thinking masses.
Because there is this doubt?
Remember the vaccination campaign against tetanus for women of the third world by 15 years to 35 made from 1972 to 1994, proposal, sponsored and paid for by the World Health Organization and a number of governments and universities, where the vaccine over all'antitetanica had their hormones because pregnant women and those who were not pro-abortion pregnant she could not stay there!
Remember the vaccination campaign against tetanus for women of the third world by 15 years to 35 made from 1972 to 1994, proposal, sponsored and paid for by the World Health Organization and a number of governments and universities, where the vaccine over all'antitetanica had their hormones because pregnant women and those who were not pro-abortion pregnant she could not stay there!
one time there was the "doctor" who knew all their patients and when there was a case of measles were the first to send their children to contagious, so if you had to measles rose and made him a thought.
In this regard, there lies a big question: but if there were such cases of encephalitis, according to you the "doctor" would send their children and all children to get measles? Given
who knew their patients should have a vast literature on this subject of this side effect, with all the recommendations to avoid contagion.
who knew their patients should have a vast literature on this subject of this side effect, with all the recommendations to avoid contagion.
The reality was different: we knew and knew well that the measles after the child wakes up and improves its intellectual dexterity (maybe this bothers).
We are the first to admit that measles can have side effects, but about who and why?
course, on who's already perceived as serious health problems, in this case a common flu becomes a serious problem.
course, on who's already perceived as serious health problems, in this case a common flu becomes a serious problem.
To consider another very important factor: not all children developed measles, they did so only those who were to do so.
VACCINATION AND 'serves to reduce the measles?
Robert S. Mendelsohn is a famous American pediatrician in his book: "Children without health medicines" "Red Edition" (which we recommend everyone to buy and read carefully) shows these data "in 1900 the mortality rate for measles was 13.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In 1955, before the appearance of serum, the mortality rate had dropped by 97.7% on settling 0.3 per 100,000 inhabitants.
in 1958 were about 800,000 reported cases of measles in the U.S., but in 1962, the year prior to the introduction of the vaccine, the cases had dropped to 300,000. during the next four years (while the children were vaccinated with an ineffective and now abandoned "killed virus") the number of cases fell by another 300,000 ... .. "
" the measles vaccine is associated with encephalopathy and a series other complications such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which causes hardening of the brain and is invariably fatal disease. " "Other diseases ... .... Ataxia (inability to coordinate muscle movements), mental retardation, aseptic meningitis and hemiparesis (paralysis affecting one side of the body). Secondary complications ... encephalitis, SSPE, multiple sclerosis, anaphylactic shock, Reye's syndrome, syndrome Gullian - Barre syndrome, blood clotting disorders, onset of juvenile diabetes, and even a relationship with Hodgkin's disease and cancer.
in 1958 were about 800,000 reported cases of measles in the U.S., but in 1962, the year prior to the introduction of the vaccine, the cases had dropped to 300,000. during the next four years (while the children were vaccinated with an ineffective and now abandoned "killed virus") the number of cases fell by another 300,000 ... .. "
" the measles vaccine is associated with encephalopathy and a series other complications such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which causes hardening of the brain and is invariably fatal disease. " "Other diseases ... .... Ataxia (inability to coordinate muscle movements), mental retardation, aseptic meningitis and hemiparesis (paralysis affecting one side of the body). Secondary complications ... encephalitis, SSPE, multiple sclerosis, anaphylactic shock, Reye's syndrome, syndrome Gullian - Barre syndrome, blood clotting disorders, onset of juvenile diabetes, and even a relationship with Hodgkin's disease and cancer.
Here is what the Traditional Medicine recommends that the experiences of many parents.
Obviously, to avoid complaints and everything else that is not writing a prescription.
Good rash:
"Measles has come out well," they told us that our wise grandmothers.
The disease has to go out because if it remains in causing problems, then what to do in this case: two solutions
The disease has to go out because if it remains in causing problems, then what to do in this case: two solutions
1) friction with water and vinegar, you put three or four tablespoons of vinegar in the same amount of warm water, pour a cloth that is wrung out, so it remains moist and goes throughout the body. In this way, the rash is brought out with his explosion. Normally serves only one clutch
2) mustard is a more difficult technique that requires practice. It is a decoction of mustard flour, is filtered and added to the bath and puts the patient. The bath should last up to two minutes, not to cause skin problems.
2) mustard is a more difficult technique that requires practice. It is a decoction of mustard flour, is filtered and added to the bath and puts the patient. The bath should last up to two minutes, not to cause skin problems.
In Germany there is tradition to dress the patient's red pajamas red, red sheets and so on. This technique also helps the rash eruption.
The first few days, possibly under liquid centrifuges carrots (lots) and apples, fruit syrups
: black currant, raspberry, sea buckthorn, blackthorn.
: black currant, raspberry, sea buckthorn, blackthorn.
A budget is a beneficial effect of measles, is better in patients with serious or potentially serious measles, especially in children in the first 2 years of life.
A budget is a beneficial effect of measles, is better in patients with serious or potentially serious measles, especially in children in the first 2 years of life.
External Use: Lavender - Thyme - Peppermint
ten drops for each type of essential oil in a 50 cc bottle with hypericum oil.
ten drops for each type of essential oil in a 50 cc bottle with hypericum oil.
Rub + times a day.
internal use: 50% hydroalcoholic maceration Tabebuja impetigo (antiviral) + 25% Uncaria tomentosa (Immune) + 25% of Echinacea (immunostiomolante and repair skin lesions) + 8 + 8 drops of thyme drops of Tea tree Olila + 8 drops of lavender. All in one bottle of 100 cc. Shake well and give in a little water three times giorno.รน
Dosage: of course you go to body weight.
2 x weight of child: ... if the baby weighs 3 kg. 10 x 2 = 20: 3 = about 7 drops in a little water 3 times a day.
clay poultice on the abdomen twice a day for an hour
hot bath infused with thyme, once a day.
hot bath infused with thyme, once a day.
Obviously carefully monitor your child and under medical supervision.
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