Essential Oils for Health
Essential oils are aromatic mixtures of different organic substances (alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, ethers, terpenes, etc ...) obtained by steam distillation or cold-pressed from plant material of a single genus and species of plant which possesses the organoleptic (taste and odor) and generally take the name of the same species. In most, essential oils, are liquid at room temperature, volatile, oily consistency, more or less fluid, aromatic odor, usually colorless, but often dyes. Are poorly soluble in water to which however, transmit their aroma, while it is soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, and in most organic solvents.
steam distillation apparatus : this technique to distill at a temperature lower than those liquids than water, as essential oils have a boiling point much higher but also very easy to be volatile, so we let you easily carry the steam water ..
Description: The steam produced by a boiler full of boiling water will pass first through a grid where the plants will be prepared, which will go into a cooling coil tube (like grappa) continuously cooled by running water. The tube ends in the collection vessel, whose shape varies with the density of oil over water. When finished we will have a 90-95% (indicative) of distilled water and 5-10% of essential oil will float.
For cold pressing : this technique is used with those drugs that contain aromatic essential oils cell surface as: Orange, Lemon, Mandarin, Bergamot: Resumes skinned (skin) and fresh fruit is placed within bags of hair, and then undergo a high pressure presses in particular.
External Use:
In vegetable oils (sweet almond, virgin olive oil, hypericum, etc.) creams, detergents, bubble bath, shower, shampoo ... etc..
put the required amount of cream on the palm of your hand and add one to three drops of essential oil in the second lens (orange = calming / cypress movement = / = rosemary tone Tea tree oil herpes muscle = ...)
5 to 10 drops of essential oils in a shampoo (dandruff thyme = / = antipruritic Mint / Lavender = dermatitis and eczema)
6 drops lavender + 3 g. thyme + 6 Mint in liquid detergents and intimate.
+ 5 drops rosemary 3 drops peppermint + 2 drops thyme oil + 2 drops Tea Tree in a bubble bath from 250 cc to have a product or to use estimates of the fungus away from home.
10 to 20 drops of essential oil in 100 cc. almonds oil, hypericum oil, or other cold-pressed oil as massage bed.
Puri only in very rare cases as above, warts and warts.
Aromas environment: The use of loudspeakers in porcelain, glass, pottery and metal powered by a small candle burning allow you to use essential oils release them into their power by exploiting an antiseptic, antibacterial and aromatic ... Living in a house and smelling something will always be welcome.
To disinfect the air: 2 drops eucalyptus sage + 1 + 2 + 1 Tea tree oil Thyme
In the nursery : orange, chamomile, cinnamon, fennel ...
In the room of adults geranium, lavender, ylang-ylang, sandalwood ...
To improve your sleep: 5 g. Orange + 2 drops lavender.
Cuisine: pine, sage, thyme, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, bergamot ...
mosquito : 5 g. Citronella + 3 g. Geraneo
The biggest problem for the oral intake of essential oils lies in their lipid structure and therefore must undergo a complex digestion as all fats. To shorten and facilitate the assimilation of essential oils and the best way to dilute them in an alcoholic solution such as a hydroalcoholic maceration of good quality brandy or alcohol at 60 °.
intestinal infections
garlic, bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, oregano and thyme in combination with carminatives oils such as fennel, anise and coriander.
Indoor :
Dilute glycerine macerate Vaccinium vitis IDAE IDEA: fennel, anise, coriander, cinnamon ...
Skin infections
Lavender (also eczema), lemon, pine, sage, tea tree, thyme oil, hypericum always diluted as follows: 100 cc. St. John's wort drops lavender oil + 10 + 5 + 5 drops thyme, peppermint drops half.
influenza infections, colds
Eucalyptus, pine, thyme, lavender, peppermint or even better alone or in combination with each other and 30-50% dissolved in a hydroalcoholic solution of Grindelia
robust for colds, sore throat and hoarseness Dosage: 5 drops in two fingers of water to take 2 or 3 times a day.
dissolve 15 drops of essential oils (5 eucalyptus pine + 5 + 2 + 3 lavender thyme) in a hydroalcoholic solution of Grindelia Isoppo or for the upper airway rspiratorie . Dosage: 40 - 50 drops in a little water two to three times a day.
With the same methodology dissolve 15 drops composed Drosera rotundifolia for bronchitis and asthma.
Honey Balsamic:
take 200 g. Honey or acacia, and even better than eucapipto and reinforcing it with: 20 drops of eucalyptus oe oe + 10 drops of pine o + 5 drops of Thyme vulgaris, mix well and take one teaspoon daily or several times alk first to leave the house.
Infection with herpes
Apply in the affected area 1 or 2 drops of pure oil of Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia).
fungal infections (athlete's foot,)
Apply in the affected area oil e. pure thyme or tea tree oil. If the area is very congested mix of equal parts olive oil and essential oils.
candida infections (please note that depends on acidification of the intestine)
Cable oral thrush = , rinse your mouth with a mixture of oil and essential oils: 100 cc. oil (olive or hypericum) + 10 drops Tea tree oil + 10 drops + 3 drops lavender thyme o vulgar.
vaginal candidiasis: vaginal douches with boiled water, when it has reached room temperature add up to 200 cc. water 3 to 5 drops of tea three oil and 1 to 3 of Lavender.
Helps relieve pain
Essential oils can act directly on the center of pain control by controlling the mind to pretend that the pain does not exist.
The lemongrass and ginger perform a function similar to that of sedative drugs as well as incense oil reduces pain stimuli in the brain.
mint, chamomile, lavender. One or two drops on the temples. 2 drops per type m. hydroalcoholic valerian.
menstrual cramps
German Chamomile, Helichrysum, lavender, marjoram.
Warms the painful
pepper, ginger, camphor (with caution) dissolved in OleOle arnica montana.
pepper, ginger, camphor (with caution) dissolved in OleOle arnica montana.
relax and have a beneficial influence on the mind
chamomile, lavender, melissa, myrtle
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