Tuesday, June 15, 2010

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Visit Alpine Garden Cansiglio

Sunday, July 25, 2010 15:00

tour at the Alpine Garden Pian Cansiglio

The visit is organized by our association with the presence of Vittorio Alberti Fitopreparatore herbalism herbalist and Harmony Quero (BL).
Alpine Botanical Garden Cansiglio

This site contains over 700 species of plants in the area of \u200b\u200bCansiglio and Col Nudo -Cavallo, offering visitors a chance to observe the features, learn about the environmental distribution and enjoy the beauty. It can be seen, for example, the species present vegatali around the "lame": erifori, Sphagnum, marsh violets, the carnivorous Drosera rotundifolia, a collection of alpine flora: gentian, Soldanella, primroses, bluebells, edelweiss. And there is also the rarity: common species here grow mainly in Eastern Europe as Cardamine clover and eastern Doronicum intent and aesthetic education are flanked by the scientific and conservation: it is possible to study the various aspects of the flora in the complex ecological relationships and both to create a gathering place of rare and indigenous species.

The transformation of the flowerbeds in real habitats, all presented as sets of natural, landscape development to provide a pleasant garden and has allowed a significant increase in the number of species. Over the years it has been passed by the presence of 58 species in 1978, to nearly 700 today. The perspective will be to get as close as possible to the approximately 1500 species in the solid .

In terms of herbal species are numerous such as: ribes nigrum, vacciniun vitis i., Viburnum lantana, wild burdock (Arctium nemorosum), Rubus idaeus, Carlina acaulis, Atropa belladonna, peony officinalis, pine, Tilia cordata, arnica montana, Aconitum napellus, Hieracium pilosella, pulmonary officinalis, Quercus pubescens, Gentiana lutea, Satureja montana, Veratrum alba and nigra, Taxus buggy, Digitaal, and grandifolia, Fagus sylvan victorialis allium, sundew rutindifolia (In the area of \u200b\u200bacid peat bog), Salix serpyllifolia, monogyma Crataegus, Pinus silvestris, Echinacea purpurea (experiment adattasbilità new species) verbascumk Thapsus etc..

Cansiglio The Alpine Botanical Garden was established in 1972 on design of prof. Giovanni Giorgio Lorenzoni, a professor at the University of Padova and Dr.. Giovanni Zanardo, inspector of the then state-owned company for the State Forests (ASFD), which began implementation. The Garden was dedicated to the memory of prof. Lorenzoni in 1994 and was officially inaugurated in 1995, occasion of the 450th anniversary of the Botanical padovano.Tale official event gave a structure that represents a very important for the area, not only for its beauty and functionality, but because it allows to observe and know a large number of species and habitats spatially distant among them several kilometers. In the Garden because they wanted to accept the flora and vegetation of the massive Cansiglio

for more info: Vittorio Alberti tel. 0439 788443 e-mail: @ tiscali.it armonia.salute


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