ascorbic acid and ascorbic
The myth of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as a panacea for all ills is regularly proposed by the media and pseudo therapists ... but is it true? distinguish the clear difference between the intake of ascorbic acid from natural source (citrus fruits, rose hips, acerola, etc..) From the synthetic (ascorbic acid alone.
In the first case the positive effects and vital to our health, have been widely demonstrated same can be said of the negative effects of ascorbic acid synthetic, such as loss of elasticity of vessel walls and so on.
A dietary intake of 60/90 mg day is considered sufficient to meet the needs of an adult in good health, of course, this contribution should be increased on a case by case basis, if the subject is a smoker or is stressed out and live in polluted environments. (click below to see full text) According to the directives of the ministry of health supplements, vitamin C, can not exceed 180 mg. of ascorbic acid.
an average ' varied and balanced nutrition with the abundant use of fresh fruits and vegetables can provide all the nutrients needed for good functioning of the body, especially if the subject uses products from organic farming. Some view these natural supplement is recommended for regular and constant quantities ranging between 180 and 1000 mg per day.
While those who will be referring to indications of Linus Pauling get to eat from 6000-18000 mg. per day.
The maximum daily intake, according to the medical establishment, in healthy people is 2000 mg. Side effects that may occur at higher doses of 2000 mg. They are: headache, sleep disturbances, flushing in the face, blood vessels walls problems and gastrointestinal disorders ( heartburn, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea). ascorbic acid and its salts: the many names of vitamin C
As everyone knows the L-ascorbic acid is a synonym for "Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid, D-vitamin does not fulfill action).
The Things get complicated when one speaks of its salts: The ascorbate.
Ascorbic acid is an acid, and as such it can react with a base (eg sodium carbonate or potassium) to form a salt , this property is exploited in industry to produce - through reactions and techniques rather simple - the salts of ' ascorbic acid. These products take the generic dome of mineral ascorbates and vitamin C than the pure is characterized by a lower degree of acidity. gastro-intestinal absorption of ascorbic acid is for simple diffusion and active transport.
to normal levels, absorbed a portion of ascorbic acid ranging between 70 and 95% of the ingested dose. This figure is well below the 20% when ascorbic acid is taken in high doses.
Taking extra doses to be taken during the day without food, could also improve the intake of high doses. Obviously this is half the problem because you have to deal with another obstacle, represented by the threshold of renal reabsorption. If plasma concentrations are too high in vitamin C excess is rapidly cleared from the body through the urine.
There is a form of ascorbic acid better than the other?
the market, there are many products based on vitamin C as sodium ascorbate, potassium ascorbate, etc..
pure ascorbic acid has a bitter taste and unwelcome to the people and its acidity, may be poorly tolerated in the stomach.
The main advantage of pure ascorbic acid is that it is the most concentrated form, where every gram of product contains one gram of vitamin C.
With regard to ascorbic acid, the main limitation is related to the contribution minerals added, which may be contraindicated for certain categories of individuals.
One gram of sodium ascorbate , for example, provides 889 mg of ascorbic acid and 111 mg sodium (remember in class how many times I said to use less salt?).
sodium ascorbate megadoses can then raise an excessive sodium intake, making it potentially dangerous for people who have diets low in this mineral or want to make a real prevention.
While Ascorbate potassium , provides for each gram of ascorbic acid, 175 mg potassium. The potassium has a diuretic that can affect their water and salt balance through excessive diuresis be particularly dangerous for individuals with kidney disease or are taking potassium-sparing diuretics.
Calcium ascorbate provides the body with 114 mg of calcium per 1000 mg of ascorbic acid, and as such can be helpful in preventing osteoporosis (in any case should not exceed a total of 2500 mg of calcium daily ). Other salts of ascorbic acid are common magnesium ascorbate, manganese ascorbate, zinc ascorbate, and molybdenum ascorbate.
But these salts of ascorbic acid to those who are useful ?
Obviously, those who produce them.
We must compensate with mega doses of "ascorbic acid" part of our diet?
Obviously NO!
supplements should remain the "compensating" in addition to good nutrition, not replace it would be impossible.
From bear in mind that if the nature and evolution in his experience he felt that for our health are sufficient micro doses of vitamins minerals and perhaps there is a reason.
Fear of Death
Perhaps the only motivation that drives people to overeat in vitamins, minerals or other panaceas is the inherent fear of dying and getting sick.
overcome the obstacle that death is inevitable ... we can discuss how to live, whether in health or in a situation of permanent illness or would-be averted by taking synthetic drugs or natural products which doing happiness of producers and sellers leave people perpetually in a physical imbalance and dependence mental.
What to do?
There are many types of people and not all have the same perttanto it always starts with "They" the people, not products.
analyze the individual characteristics inherited from the father's and mother's
analyze their health past and present, highlighting our strengths and weaknesses :
1) Making a varied diet: plenty of fruits and seasonal vegetables, many soups, all cereal varieties (wheat, barley, oats, millet, ...) all legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat ...) Use cold-pressed oils (olive, flax, etc..) use very little salt and sugar, use very few proteins;
2) use in our supply of sea algae;
3) set of health objectives in the medium term;
4) take account of our age;
5) reminding us that men and women have some different characteristics of nature never to be forgotten.
After that we plan to integrate our power several times a year in support of our diet and prevention by strengthening our weaknesses.
industrial think that taking doses of ascorbic acid or omega 3-6 or other compensation to resolve our fear of death and disease is a fantasy that not only exposes us to the dangers to our health, but it allows of speculators to dissipate our resources.
Eating well with high quality products and biological Drinking plenty of water, move and do prevention work on our weaknesses is the only way to go ... no panacea nor delegate any or therapist.
About Oranges.
A little experiment that we can all do: to take two weeks of the compensators of ascorbic acid (500 mg. Daily). Stand still for a week, then two weeks with the hiring of three bicchiri 200 cc of orange juice just spermatic ... up to you if it's natural form and shape are imitative more efficient. Oranges unlike the simple ascorbic acid, contain many minerals (
sulfur, magnesium, calcium, bromine, zinc, copper, iron and phosphorus ) and acid citric acid.
As for vitamins, after Vit C, flavonoids are present (involved in the elasticity and fluidity of the blood vessels) vitamins group B ( in particular Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin) terpenes and
contained in the fruit have high therapeutic anti-cancer properties. The carotenes
which will be transformed into vitamin A (twilight and night vision, skin elasticity, and production of hormones vital role in myelin etc.). I want to remember the presence of anthocyanins
the , although not essential for human nutrition, have a positive effect on the entire body. Thanks to their remarkable properties
antioxidants, are likened by some to a real
natural antidote against aging.
Then go to the Natural usanso Only natural products should .